Monday, August 31, 2009
Publisher's Weekly Announcement!
Rebecca Rasmussen's THE BIRD SISTERS, about two elderly sisters who rescue fallen birds and the one heartbreaking summer of their youth that has bound them together forever, to Kate Kennedy at Shaye Areheart Books, by Michelle Brower of Wendy Sherman Associates.
Friday, August 28, 2009
The Glory of Teaching Literature from 6-10:30 p.m., Wednesday Nights
Saturday, August 22, 2009

“To live in this world
you must be able to do three things:
to love what is mortal;
to hold it
your own life depends on it;
and, when the time comes to let it go,
to let it go." -- Mary Oliver
Racina came after the water. She arrived on a cool morning in early September, asleep in a rowboat without paddles as if she knew the lake currents would carry her past the tamarack and black spruce forest, around Bone Island and the village of Sonamarg, across the mouth of the Red River, a fen, and a bog, all the way to Partway and to Hux, who found her on his morning walk to check his lines. Hux wasn’t certain the girl curled inward against a swarm of black flies was Racina until he saw the scar on her cheek, which looked like the leaf of a pitcher plant. Until then, the water had taken lives but had never returned one. Hux waded into the cold, gray of it but stopped at the point where cold met ice and gray met black. Seeing his niece again was what he’d spent thirteen years kneeling to Churchy’s lord for, and yet he couldn’t go to Racina and the little wooden boat floating in the reeds. He couldn’t do anything but stand on the edge of what he was most afraid of.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Jade Plant, Tea Candle, Coffee, Wine
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Okay, so my packages from Random House arrived. As you can see, I am thrilled! Enough that I got out the old camera. I can't wait to read these books! (And I can't wait to see what my cover will look like.) Of course, one worries about the process and prays A LOT, but I feel like I am in excellent hands with Kate Kennedy at Random House. And I made a squeaking noise when my husband showed me the box. Yes, I squeak. I am that enthusiastic. Yay, Kate! Yay, Kate!
In other news, my daughter got a Big Wheel bike today from her Glamma (yes, Glamma!) Patty and Grandpa John -- purple and pink -- and to her, nothing could be more thrilling than riding in circles around the driveway. Bless her heart.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Cicadas and Open Windows: Childhood, Home
I know I am supposed to be writing about some part of my book process, but tonight I want to write about home, a concept I am thinking about as I listen to the cicadas outside my living room windows on this humid summer night. My husband, my daughter, and I recently moved back to the Midwest from Massachusetts so that my husband could go to graduate school at Washington University in St. Louis. H. grew up in Colorado and is necessarily a little bit put out by the flatness of the landscape and the heartiness of the cuisine. I grew up in Wisconsin and Illinois, so I get it. Biscuits. Fried chicken. Cornfields. Or at least the advertising of these things.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
A Tale of Two Offers
"These are the days when Birds come back/a very few/a Bird or two/to take a backward look."