Thursday, March 12, 2009

Getting Ready...

My literary agent Michelle said it perfectly the other day: "the process of publishing a book is all hurry up and wait."

And wait.

And wait.

This has been my feeling about spring these last few weeks; can't a single obliging crocus pop up for me? My receipt from my local greenhouse answers that question for me. But at least I have some new plants and pots to keep things cheery around here. My African violets are definitely looking better already and the succulents look like they despise me less after getting some new soil. So...spring...I know it will come and I know my book will go out into the world, but damn! I am impatient. 

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"These are the days when Birds come back/a very few/a Bird or two/to take a backward look."

"These are the days when Birds come back/a very few/a Bird or two/to take a backward look."